I have thought about re-committing myself to church in some way often, at least once or twice weekly, for years now. I never have particularly liked church, and as I find myself having evolved into a religion-is-generally-a-bad-idea-for-me type of human, I really couldn't reconcile going somewhere that was specifically religious. I thought maybe an Episcopal church would be a lovely experience, but my nonbelief snagged me. I tried going to a couple Unitarian churches, only to find myself accosted by flowery poems by various inspired congregation members, and even subjected to an improvised interpretational dance. So that was out.
Church appeals to me solely because of the hole it seems to fill, single-handedly, in communities. The bringing together of people trying to be the best versions of themselves, to lend a hand to one another whenever they can, and to give back to the small spaces where they live, love, and work. That this niche is filled by the church an mostly only the church baffles me - why is this idea so tied to organized religion, which can be so divisive and illogical? Why aren't all of us getting in on this idea just because it's a beautiful and inspiring thing?
Church without a church surely would include potato sack races.
I feel the need for this kind of community togetherness more and more as I age. I see people creating it however they can - mostly people creating community by making families and building babies. Since my own uterus still is in no way interested, I'm looking for the creation of something else...not a church...not a family unit...maybe an "intentional community?" In a non-hippie way. I'm bad at sharing. But just an intentional getting together of loved people, encouraging the best in each other and giving each other space to be just as they are?
But even beyond my beautiful friend base, I long for something else, something bigger. I live on the line of Powelton Village and Mantua, and many of my people live in West Philadelphia proper, and these areas all speak to me. Beautifying these areas appeals to me. Meeting and working with my neighbors appeals to me. Giving a service to the community (I'm thinking low-cost mental health services, since that's my deal) appeals to me. Church-y, community-building concepts. Minus the church-y space.
So that's what simmering inside me right now. I'm hoping it's a seed that will take shape and grow into something interesting and worthwhile. Because it seems like a need, right? For communities, for friends, for families, for neighbors, for me.
What does your community look like?
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